Inventory and needs analysis MTB Canton Zurich

Sound & neutral data as a basis for the MTB strategy


ProjectInventory and needs analysis of mountain bike infrastructure for the canton of Zurich
PerformanceInventory and needs analysis
customerOffice for Mobility, Bicycle Traffic Department and Sports Office Zurich, Sports Promotion
Planning and implementation time2022-2023

Project description:

In the canton of Zurich, the dynamics in the mountain biking sector have changed increasingly in recent years. The inventory and needs survey made it possible to examine the status quo of mountain biking throughout the canton in terms of existing infrastructure, usage behavior of mountain bikers and the needs of these and other interest groups. In the course of this, expert discussions, hybrid frequency monitoring, online surveys of the population and an analysis of the existing infrastructure were carried out in order to be able to offer recommendations for action. In addition, a RACI matrix was created to distribute future responsibilities.

target group:

The MTB Canton of Zurich inventory and needs analysis addresses a wide range of target groups, including cantonal authorities, municipal authorities, authorities in general and the local population. It provides a central location for resources and information to identify key areas of action and define specific needs for action.

Location & Size

As a cantonal project, the inventory and needs analysis covers a total area of 1,729 square kilometers with 1.6 million inhabitants who benefit directly and indirectly from the study.
The monitoring was carried out through a total of 16 expert interviews with all stakeholders. In addition, around 21% of the mountain biking population were approached in online surveys.

Special feature:

The special feature of the project lies in its objectivity, as the analyses are based on the actual mountain biker numbers at cantonal level. In addition, the clear needs of the local population are presented, which pushes the tourist approach into the background. In conjunction with hot spot identification, this provides a sound basis for the further strategy for implementing the Cycle Path Act (Federal Act for Cycle Paths in Switzerland).


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