Fact 1: Excellent trail construction is good for the environment.
Good mountain bike trails reduce erosion and guide riders along a defined path, minimizing impacts on soil, vegetation and wildlife.
Fact 2: Well-designed trails reduce conflicts with users.
With the right trail design, you can manage the different user groups and protect sensitive areas. On the trail itself, the speeds and movements of the users can be controlled.
Fact 3: Investing in sustainable trails reduces costs.
Don't be fooled, creating good mountain bike experiences costs money even on existing trails. It is therefore worth investing in good quality trail construction as an initial investment (I 0 ) in order to drastically reduce future maintenance costs (I 1 to I n ) and lower the total cost of ownership (TCO).
Fact 4: Good trails provide a better overall experience.
Sustainable trails protect the environment, reduce user conflicts and are more cost-effective. They also provide an enhanced riding experience for mountain bikers and increase the economic impact of a destination's mountain bike tourism.