Taro Urakami

Trail specialist

Hello taro

Who am I and why ALLEGRA?

My name is Taro Urakami, I was born in Japan in 1988 and grew up here. I have been racing downhill for over 10 years and would like to do so for as long as possible. I have also gained a lot of experience in the field of trials and dirt jumping. As well as my passion for riding trails, I also love maintaining them and building new sections. Now I am in the fortunate position of working as a trail builder. I was even luckier when I met ALLEGRA. There is more to trail building here. The topics of mountain bike tourism, modular pump tracks, VELOPARKs and many other products related to the development of mountain bikes in regions are also covered. And all the knowledge for the community is collected here. It's simply a match: we all have the same passion. My goal is to play a decisive role in the development of an MTB community in the Japanese market and simply to make everyone happy.

My favorite product at ALLEGRA? 

I think they're all great, but I especially like the VELOPARK. I'm sure all kids can have so much fun here.

What do I most like to talk to you about? 

I would love to ask everyone in Japan and Asia how they see the future of mountain biking. I'm sure there's a lot going on here. It's so much fun and you make lots of new friends. Let's start MTB!

AreaTrail specialist
LanguagesJP, EN
baseTokyo, Japan

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